Mosaic stairway in San Francisco

San Francisco has many famed stairways, like the Filbert Street steps, which is probably to be expected in a city this hilly.  In the Golden Gate Heights neighborhood on the west side of the city, there’s a beautiful mosaic stairway created as a community art project.  Located on 16th Avenue, the staircase has over 160 steps.

From the ocean to the sky…


Detail of a step


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The sun and the moon sections at the top are my favorite parts.


As a reward for climbing up, at the top are beautiful views of the city.  On a clear day, you can see the Golden Gate Bridge to the north.


The big strip of trees in this photo is Golden Gate Park.


And you can see straight down to the ocean.  There are islands out there, believe it or not.  You just can’t see them very often.


Grand View Park is at the top and also offers amazing views of the city.


The stairway is in a residential area and along with the park, is a fun way to spend a couple of hours and watch the sunset.